
Thursday, June 21, 2018

சித்சபேசாய மங்களம் (CHITSABESAAYA MANGALAM) -part 4

For previous parts click below links 

The Cosmic Cycles & Eternal Return

An even more interesting aspect of synergy between modern cosmology and the ancient wisdom of five key stages in the cosmic life cycle of manifested Universe. For example, as already mentioned Alexander Friedmann also refers about the variable type of the universe i.e. the dynamically cyclic model of the universe. I am reproducing his earlier quoted description again for your reference: “The variable type of Universe represents a great variety of cases; there can be cases of this type when the world's radius of curvature... is constantly increasing in time; cases are also possible when the radius of curvature changes periodically: the Universe contracts into a point (into nothing) and then again increases its radius from a point up to a certain value, then again, diminishing its radius of curvature, transforms itself into a point, etc. This brings to mind what Hindu mythology has to say about cycles of existenceInterestingly, the last statement highlights the synergy with ancient Hindu cosmological model.

The Conformal Cyclic Cosmology proposed by Roger Penrose & Gurzadyan as an alternative to the linear big-bang singularity model based on Einstein’s classical General relativity singularities (originally proposed jointly by Roger Penrose himself along with other experts like Stephen Hawkings and Robert Geroch)  is another version of the modern cosmological model hinting a cosmic cycles.   
Again, The oscillatory nature of universe proposed by the Loop Quantum Cosmology (LQC) school of modern astrophysics which is based on the Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG), which aims to provide an integrated model of the macro-cosmic phenomena like the weak gravitational field with the micro-cosmic phenomena like the quantum  fields (QCD) operating at planck scales. 
  for example, which is based on the has striking similarity with the Cyclical Cosmology of ancient Hindus. To be more specific, the LQC interprets the Big Bang to actually have followed previously collapsed Universe (Big Crunch). Thus, according to this school, cosmology involves periodic cycles of Big Bounces or Quantum Bounces of Big Bang evolution, growth and finally leading to Big Crunch collapse.

Interestingly, the following verses from the वायवीय संहिता पूर्व भाग (vāyavīya saṁhitā pūrva bhāga)  in the  शिव महा पुराण (śiva mahā purāṇa) very categorically hints to us about the cyclic cosmology wherein the cosmological events of creation, growth and dissolution keep recurring as the wheel of time rotates.

मुन्य ऊचुः
कालाद्रुत्पद्यते सर्वं कालादेव विपध्यते।
निरपेक्षं हि व्कचिक्तिञ्चिद्धि वेद्यते॥
यद्सम्यानिगर्तं विश्वं शक्ष्वत्संसारमण्डलम्।
सर्गसंहृतिमुद्राभ्यां चक्रवत्परिवतर्ते॥
munya ūcuḥ
kālādrutpadyate sarvaṁ kālādeva vipadhyate|
na nirapekṣaṁ hi vkaciktiñciddhi vedyate||
yadsamyānigartaṁ viśvaṁ śakṣvatsaṁsāramaṇḍalam|
sargasaṁhṛtimudrābhyāṁ cakravatparivatarte||

The sages said, "All the things grow at the appropriate time, and get destroyed in due time. Nothing happens beyond time.
When the entire universe is absorbed at the time of dissolution, then it is recreated. The process of creation and dissolution moves like a wheel”.
 -translation by Shantilal Nagar
शिव महा पुराण (śiva mahā purāṇa)  (7.1-2)

Moreover, as originally highlighted by renowned astrophysicist Professor Fed Adams in the popular science book -  “The Five ages of the Universe”, which was later experimentally verified based on the WMAP satellite expedition findings, modern astrophysics also recognizes five major cosmological eras, while defining the lifecycle of our universe. In the words of Professor Fed Adams, “We can organize our current understanding of the past and future history of the universe by defining the following distinct eras of time. As the universe passes from one era to the next, the inventory and character of the universe change rather dramatically, and in some ways almost completely. These eras, which are analogous to geological eras, provide a broad outline of the life of the universe.” The below chart gives a diagrammatic representation of the above phases

The following table further summarizes these five stages. If you think deeply these five stages have striking parallels to the पञ्च महा कृत्य (pañca mahā kṛtya five cosmic acts) of creation (evolution), sustenance (maintenance), destruction (dissolution), veiling (obfuscation) & final emancipation (liberation) listed earlier. The primordial  era for example, represents the fucntion of creation, which is followed by the current era of sustenance viz. Stelliferous Era. Subsequently, the whole Universe will begin to dissolve during the third era (Degenerate Era)   

Era Name
Primordial Era
  to  seconds
In this phase, the universe started expanding and cooling (The big bang nucleo synthesis)
Stelliferous Era
  to  seconds
This is the current era of hydrogen rich stars, galaxies and planetary systems
Degenerate Era
  to  seconds
During this era, the stars will start exhausting its energy (hydrogen, helium burning etc) leading to darkness and collapse of massive stars and galaxies into white dwarfs.
Black Hole Era
  to  seconds
This will be era of black holes and the only source of energy outlets will be the thin layers of radiation (slow evaporation of energy – also called as Hawking radiation)
Dark Era
This is the final state of the universe when all the sources of energy are completely exhausted leading to what is called as Heat Death

These first three stages very obviously map to each other as they are purely cosmological in nature. The remaining two stage are more eschatological and may not be that obvious. The fourth stage of तिरोभव (tirobhava - veiling) when everything gets hidden by the veil of ignorance just as a black hole physically hides (covers) up everything including light and knowledge. Finally, in the fifth stage, there is complete liberation when all differences vanish by merging into the seed state of हिरन्य गर्ब  (hiranya garba - dark womb). In fact, the latest scientific discoveries hint that “supermassive black holes might be hiding entire universes inside”
Yes, yet again science discovers ageold ancient Puranic wisdom of the evolved universes seeded back to the dark blackhole symbolized as हिरण्यगर्भ (hiraṇyagarbha - golden womb) during the महा प्रलय काल (mahā pralaya kāla - Big Crunch Era) before the next मन्वन्तर (manvantara - manu's epoch) begins. This is the period when the manifested तत्त् (tattva - evolutes) dissolves back into its प्रकृति अवस्त (prakṛti avasta -primordial state). I am reminded of the following verses  of the noble saint சித்தர் சிவ வாக்கியர் (siva vaakkiyar)

ஆவதும்  பரத்துள்ளே  அழிவதும்  பரத்துள்ளே 
போவதும்  பரத்துள்ளே  புகுவதும்  பரத்துள்ளே 
தேவரும்  பரத்துள்ளே  திசைகளும்  பரத்துள்ளே 
யாவரும்  பரத்துள்ளே  யானும்  அப்  பரத்துள்ளே 

ஏழுபேர்  ஏழுகடல்  இனங்கள்  எட்டு  வெறுப்புடன் 
சுளுவான்  கிரிகடந்து  சொல்லும்  ஏழுலகும் 
ஆழிமால்  விசும்பு  கோல்  பிரமாண்டரண்ட  அண்டமும் 
aavadhum paraththuLLE azhivadhum paraththuLLE
pOvadhum paraththuLLE puguvadhum paraththuLLE
dhEvarum paraththuLLE thisaigaLum paraththuLLE
yaavarum paraththuLLE yaanum ap paraththuLLE

Ezhupaar Ezhukadal ibangaL ettu veRppudan
sUzhuvaan girikadandhu sollum Ezhulagamum
aazhimaal visumbu koL biramaaNdaraNda aNdamum
Uzhiyaan oLikkuLE udhithudan odungumE..
சிவ வாக்கியர் பாடல்கள்   (sivavaakkiyar paadalgaL) (281,282)

The darkness or blackness (what science calls the black hole) is also symbolized निश्कल (niśkala - undifferentiated / noumenal) state and also conceptualized as the ब्रह्म निमेषण (brahma nimeṣaṇa -closing of God's eye). Please be noted that, while it is true that, modern science has already begun to recognise the significance of the पञ्च महा कृत्य (pañca mahā kṛtya five cosmic acts), atleast from physical perspective; however, it still has a long way to go, from the point of view of higher realms of consciousness.
     On the other hand, such concepts were always integral part of ancient Hindu wisdom as there are numerous case studies in the Hindu purāṇas esoterically highlighting the doctrine of Eternal recurrence of cosmic cycles. Moreover, the concept of cosmological recurrence has been highlighted through various mythological episodes in the पुराण शास्त्र (purāṇa śāstra – mythological literatures). The story of the “Parade of the Ants’ narrated in the ब्रह्म वैवर्त पुराण (brahma vaivarta purāṇa) for example, highlights the cyclic nature of cosmology, wherein the universe is manifested with the opening of ब्रह्म देव (brahma deva - God)’s eyes, and is annihilated back when closing His eyes. Heinrich Zimmer summarizes the esoteric message behind the parable thus, The wonderful story of the Parade of Ants opens before us an unfamiliar spectacle of space and throbs with an alien pulse of time … The astounding story of the re-education of the proud and successful Indra plays with visions of cosmic cycles-eons following each other in the endlessness of time, eons contemporaneous in the infinitudes of space…
 This process of opening and closing of God’s eye is technically called as उन्मेश (unmeśaeye opening) and निमेश (nimeshaeye closing) in शैव शास्त्र (śaiva śāstra). In fact, the concept of चतुर् युग (catur yugafour fold epochs) and the मन्वन्तर (manvantra - patriarchate) also endorse this philosophy. Interestingly, in line with the Hermitic wisdom, as above, so below”, the theme is not confined to the macro-cosmic scales but extended to the individual’s soul’s life cyle as well. The doctrines of re-incarnation and resurrection for examples also reflect the same philosophy.
     The arrow of time plays a critical role in understanding these doctrines and we need to discuss the same. It is obvious that from a day to day common sense perspective, the flow of time always follows an uni-directional linear pattern. It always moves from the past, through the present to the future. Saint Augustine was one of the first advocates to formalise the concept of linear time as a philosophy. Technically, according to modern thermodynamics, as explained initially by Ludwig Boltzmann, the eminent Austrian physicist, the arrow of time is necessitated by entropy as defined in the second law of thermodynamics. 
            Although to the common man, time looks like a uni-directional flow constituting linear events, yet according to modern science, the linear time is more a psychological construct of the mind and hence it is even called as the psychological time modern physics echoing the ancient concept of कन्चुक (kancuka adjucnt or sheath) in Hinduism. At higher realms of consciousness, the underlying curvature behind the apparent linearity revealed. In geometrical term, linearity of time gets curved and becomes more elliptical and cyclical as explained by the Hindu sages thousands of years ago. It is also believed that Time follows the laws of Eternal Return also referred as The Law of Eternal Recurrence. This fact is also endorsed by Einstein’s Relativistic physics, which talks about the space-time curvatures due to Gravitational impact. Modern scientific discoveries thus reveals a cyclical pattern in time in contrast to practical experience of linear. Moreover, in striking variance from our emperical observation that time always flows in a specific sequence of past through present to the future, according to modern science, time like space exhibits perfect symmetry. That is, potentially, time can flow in both the directions – viz. past as well as the future. (We shall discuss, more about this while analysing spatial dimensions.)     
            In ancient Greek philosophy, the different forms of eternal recurrence doctrine seemed to be prevelant right from pre-Socratian era itself. For example, belief in cyclic patterns of ekpyrosis (anhilation/conflagragation) eventually followed by polyngenesis (rebirth) among the Stoic philosophers (like Zeno of Citium, Cleanthes of Assos & Chrissipus of Soli), was a flavour of eternal recommencement - the unending succession of destruction and recreation of  the world at periodic cycles. Etymologically, the term is derived fron the roots palin (again) & genesis (beginning / birth). According to them everything created from pneuma primordial sunstance and eventually dissolved back to the same. For example, according to Cleanthes the recyclying pattern of ekpyrosis (anhilation/conflagragation) & polyngenesis (rebirth) was as follows, from fire to air to water to earth and back to water to air to  fire.   
It is widely believed that the famous Ionian philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus` doctrine of cross recyclying between primordial elements (from fire to water to earth and back to water to fire) had influenced the Stoics towards such a belief system. Interestingly, as indicated below Heraclitus was one of the foremost philosophers to have used the term cosmos (world order) which later on became the defacto standard term in philosophy and astrophysics. Moreover, esoterically speaking, according to Heraclitus, fire corresponded to the soul as testified in the following statements :
            This world-order (cosmos), the same of all, no god nor man did create, but it ever was and is and will be: everliving fire, kindling in measures and being quenched in measures. Fire’s turnings: first sea, and of sea the half is earth, the half burner  (lightening or fire)…(earth) is dispersed as sea, and is measured so as to form the same proportion as existed before it became earth. All things are an exchange for fire, and fire for all things, as goods for gold and gold for goodsTo soul it is death to become water; to water it is death to become earth.. From earth comes water, and from water soul (again)…. 
                              - Deils-Kranz (DK) collection of preSocratic resources ( 22B30, 22B36, 22B90)
Of course, Heraclitus was not the only occidental philosopher to advocate eternal cycles of ekpyrosis (conflagragation)  & polyngenesis (rebirth).  The ancient myths of Phaethon and Decalion reiterated the same and philosophers like Plato leveraged the myths of cyclic cataclysms through natural disasters by fire or floods into their cosmological doctrines. Similarly, Pythogras believed that the history of civilization is cyclical.  Again, Empedocles also believed in a cylical cosmic order. The atomists also believed that the universe manifested from and atoms and eventually will disintegrate and newo ones will again arise  from the void.  Similarly, the ancient Hermitic wisdom belonging to the Greco-Egyptian schools also believed in rythemic comsic cyles as testified in the following maxim from Kybalion : “Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates”
       More recently in the beginning of 19th century, eminent thinkers like  Friedrich Neitsche were strong advocates of it. His famous declaration echoes “Everything becomes and recurs eternally - escape is impossible!” and, again “In an infinite period of time, every possible combination would at some time be attained.” In fact, he reiterated “The law of conservation of energydemands eternal recurrence." However, the focus of his philosophy was more social than cosmological. In fact, from a psychological perspective, looks like, he was not personally very comfortable with the consequences of such recurrence as admitted in his own words, “What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: 'This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more' ... Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus? Or have you once experienced a tremendous moment when you would have answered him: 'You are a god and never have I heard anything more divine.”'
The concept of recurrence was also hinted by the eminent philoopher of science and mathematician Jules Henry Poincare, who postulated the famous Poincare recurrance time theorem, which is widely applied in statistical mechanics, dynamic systems and related domains. It states that, “if a dynamical system has a fixed total energy that restricts its dynamics to bounded subsets of its state space, then the dynamical system will eventually return arbitrarily close to its initial system state infinitely often”.  In simple words, the theorem states that after a sufficiently long (unfathomably long) time, all closed dynamical systems, like the Hamiltom space, will sample any accessible state. Mathematically, the theorm is defined as follows,

Let T : X → X be a measure-preserving transformation of (X, B, µ) and let A B have µ(A) > 0.
Then for µ-a.e. x A, the orbit {T nx}∞ n=0 returns to A infinitely often
            In his famous work, titled ‘On the three body problem’, the eminent mathematician justfies his doctrine this, “A theorem, easy to prove, tells us that a bounded world, governed only by the laws of mechanics, will always pass through a state very close to its initial state. On the other hand, according to accepted experimental laws (if one attributes absolute validity to them, and if one is willing to press their consequences to the extreme), the universe tends toward a certain final state, from which it will never depart. In this final state, which will be a kind of death, all bodies will be at rest at the same temperature.
I do not know if it has been remarked that the English kinetic theories can extricate themselves from this contradiction. The world, according to them, tends at first toward a state where it remains for a long time without apparent change; and this is consistent with experience; but it does not remain that way forever, if the theorem cited above is not violated; it merely stays there for an enormously long time, a time which is longer the more numerous are the molecules. This state will not be the final death of the universe, but a sort of slumber, from which it will awake after millions of millions of centuries.
According to this theory, to see heat pass from a cold body to a warm one, it will not be necessary to have the acute vision, the intelligence, and the dexterity of Maxwell's demon; it will suffice to have a little patience.
One would like to be able to stop at this point and hope that some day the telescope will show us a world in the process of waking up, where the laws of thermodynamics are reversed.”

This is obviously not mere theoretical speculation – but is backed by years of experimental anlysis. In fact, as already observed, according to recent scientific discoveries in astrophysics  the Universe passes through a five phased life cycle namely (originally defined by astrophysicist Professor Fed Adams, in his famous book –  The Five Ages of the Universe). Even classical physicist Isaac Newton endorses this by saying that every action as a equal and opposite reaction. In other words, whenever there is a creation there necessarily has to be its reverse action, which is destruction. In the words of Dr. Michio Kaku, “The WMAP not only gives the most accurate glimse of the early universe, it also gives the most detailed picture of how the universe will die. Just as a mysterious anti-gravity force pushed the galaxies apart at the beginning of time, this same anti-gravity force is now pushing the universe to its final fate…. If this antigravity continues, the universe will ultimately die in a big freeze.”
Interestingly, these astounding scientific discoveries are but reflections of many ancient religious cultures across the globe, who even without the luxury of sophisticated technological infrastruture avilable to modern day scientist, have been advocating similar doctrines of cycllical pattern in time. There is a huge list of ancient mythological stories, highlighting the cyclical pattern of time. Famous parables such as Parade of the Ants narated in the ब्रह्मविवर्त पुराण (brahmavivarta purāṇa), the Sumerian legend of Inanna’s descent to the nether world, the Egyptian legend of the Horus are other popular references of similar theme.
In Hindu cosmology as described in श्रीमद् भागवत पुराण (śrīmad bhāgavata purāṇa),  विश्णु पुरानम्  (viśṇu purānam) and various other mahā purānas deal with the concept of स्रिश्ति (sriśti -  manifestation), स्तिति (stitisustenance) and प्रलय  (pralaya - annihilation) of the universe in repeatitive time cycles of  theयुग (yuga) & मन्वन्त्र (manvantra - patriarchate) time scales defined in the above table. In fact, a according to these scriptures, the cosmic recycling, technically called as युग प्रलय (yuga pralaya – epoch dissolution), occurs at the end of every yuga  as indicated by the table below.

युग (yuga - Epoch)
Ascending order of evolution
Terrestrial Duration
(in human years)
विभव अवतर
(vibhava avatar –glorious incarnation)
सत्य युग (satya yuga – Golden Epoch)
मत्स्य (matsya – Fish)
कूर्म (kūrma - tortoise)
वराह (varāha - Boar)
नरसिम्ह (narasimha – Lion Man)
त्रेत युग (treta yuga – Silver Epoch)
परसुराम (parasurāma  - man with axe)
वामन (vāmanadwarf man)
राम (rāma)
द्वापर युग (dvāpara yuga – Bronze Epoch)
कृश्न (kṛśna)
बलराम (balarāma)

कलि युग (kali yuga – Iron Epoch)
कल्कि (kalki)
महा युग (mahā yuga)
Grand Total

Before proceeding further, in order to appreciate these concepts better, we need to get some fundamental brushup of the various time scales discussed here. We have already seen that time is generally expressed in units of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years. While such denominations are sufficient for most of our practical life, it may not be enough for measuring higher realms of time, both in the microcosmic and the macrocosmic aspects. Hence, a more comprehensive scale of measurement is required and thanks to the Hindu sages whose foresight has helped in defining very elaborate and well thought through science of Time. The following table lists the various measures of time defined by Hindu wisdom (as articulated in various sacred scriptures including विष्णु पुराण (viṣṇu purāṇa), श्रीमद् भागवत पुराण (śrīmad bhāgavata purāṇa), सूर्य सिद्धान्त (sūrya siddhānta) etc.

Unit of Measure
1 त्रसरेण (trasareṇu)
The lowest unit of combination of 3 hexatoms
1 त्रुति (truti)
The time taken to integration of 3 त्रसरेण (trasareṇu)s =  (approx) 8/13,500 second  = 1/6787.5 seconds
1 वेधः (vedhaḥ)
100 त्रुति (truti)s = 8/135 second
1 लव (lava)
3 1 वेध (vedha)s = 8/45 second
1 निमिष (nimiṣa)
3 लव (lava)s = 8/15 second.
Etymologically the term निमिष (nimiṣa)  means “blinking of the eye”
1 विकला (vikalā)
1 second
1 क्षण (kṣaṇa) or 1 परमाणु  (paramāṇu)
3 निमिष (nimiṣa)s - Average time taken by a human to blink his eyes once.  - 8/5 second
1 मात्र  (mātra)
8 निमिष (nimiṣa)
1 गुरु (guru)
 2 मात्र  (mātra)
1 प्राण (prāṇa)
10 प्राण (prāṇa) =  4 seconds
1 काष्टा (kāṣṭā)
5 1 क्षण (kṣaṇa)  = (approx) 8 seconds
1 पल (pala) or विगत्ति  (vigatti) or  विनाडी (vināḍī)

6 प्राण (prāṇa) = 60 विपल् (vipal)  = 6 परमाणु  (paramāṇu)s =3 काष्टा (kāṣṭā)s= (approx) 24 seconds
1 लघु (laghu)
15 काष्टा (kāṣṭā)s  (approx 2 minutes)
1 घटी  / नाडी / ¿¡Æ¢¨¸ / दन्दा (ghaṭī  / nāḍī /   naazhigaidandā)
60 पल् (pal)  =  15 लघु (laghu)s = (approx) 24 minutes
1 कला (kalā)
2 लघु (laghu) = 30 काष्टा (kāṣṭā) = 60 विकला (vikalā) =  1 minute 
1 क्शन (kśana)
30 कला (kalā)s
1 मुहूर्त (muhūrta)
2 घटी (ghaṭī) = 12 क्षण (kṣaṇa) s  = approx 48 minutes
1 यमः (yamaḥ)
6 मुहूर्त (muhūrta)s = (approx) 1/4th of a day
1 करनः (karanaḥ)
2.5 यम (yama)s = 15 मुहूर्त (muhūrta)s = ½ तिथि (tithi)
1 तिथि / मनुष्य अहोरात्र (titi/ manuṣya  ahorātralunar/sidereal day)
60 ghaṭīs = 2 karanaḥ = 5 yamas = 30 muhurtas = 24 hours (approx).
1 वार  (vāra - week)
7 terestrial days
1 पक्ष (pakṣa  -  fortnight)
15 तिथि (tithi – lunar days)
1 माश (māśa  - month)
2 पक्ष (pakṣa) = 30 तिथि (tithi) (approx) = lunar month measured in lunar days  
solar month measured in solar days

1 ऋतु (ṛtu - season)
2 माश (māśa) =  2 terestrial  months
1 आयनम्  (āyanam - solistice)
3 ऋतु (ṛtu)s = 6  terestrial months
1 मनुष्य वत्सर (manuśya vatsara  - human year)
2 आयनम्  (āyanam)s = 12 माश (māśa)  (360 days approx, 4.5 days rounded of for calculations)
1 पितृ  दिन (pitṛ  dina – ancestral day)  
15 मनुष्य दिन (manuṣya dina ( 15 human days)
1 पितृ  रात्रि (pitṛ  rātri – ancestral night)
15 मनुष्य  रात्रि  (manuṣya rātri  -  15 human nights)
1 पितृ अहोरात्र (pita ahorātra – ancestral daynight)
30 मनुष्य अहोरात्र (manuṣya  ahorātraday + night) = 1 पितृ  दिन (pitṛ  dina – ancestral day) + 1 पितृ  रात्रि (pitṛ  rātri – ancestral night)
1 देव अहोरात्र (deva ahorātradivine day)
1 मनुष्य वत्सर (manuśya vatsara  - human year) = 360 human days
1 देव वत्सर (deva vatsara – divine year)
360 deva ahorātra = 1,29,600 human days
1 कलि युग (kali yuga – dark era)
1200 देव वत्सर (deva vatsara – divine year) = 4,32,000 terestrial years
1 द्वापर युग (dvāpara yuga)
2400 देव वत्सर (deva vatsara – divine year) =  8,64,000  terestrial years =2 कलि युग (kali yuga)s
1 त्रेत युग (treta yuga)
3600 देव वत्सर (deva vatsara – divine year) =  1,296,000 terestrial  years = 3 कलि युग (kali yuga)s
1 सत्य युग (satya yuga)

4800 देव वत्सर (deva vatsara – divine year) = 1,728,000 terestrial  years =4 कलि युग (kali yuga)s
1 चतुर् युग (catur yuga) or 1 महा युग
 (mahā yuga)
12000 देव वत्सर (deva vatsara – divine year) =  4,320,000 (4.3 million) terestrial  years (1 catur yuga = kali + dvāpara + treta + satya)
1 मन्वन्तर (manvantara - patriarchate)
71.43 1 महा युग (mahā yuga)308,571,428.6 (308.5 million) terestrial years.
1 कल्प (kalpa - aeon)
 1000 1 महा युग (mahā yuga)s = 4,320,000,000  (4.32 billion) terrestrial years Or  14 मन्वन्तर (manvantara - patriarchate)s
1 सूर्य कल्प (surya kalpa – solar aeon)
7 कल्प (kalpa) = 30,240,000,000 (30.24 billion) terestrial years
1 ब्रह्म दिन (brahma dina – brahma day)

2 कल्प (kalpa)s =  (1 day time of Brahma  + 1 night of Brahma) = 8,640,000,000 (8.64 billion) terestrial years
1 ब्रह्म वत्सर (brahma vatsara – brahma  year)
360 ब्रह्म दिन (brahma dina) = 3,110,400,000,000  (3.1 trillion) terestrial years.
ब्रह्म आयुस् (brahma āyus – brahma’s lifespan)
100 ब्रह्म वत्सर (brahma vatsara – brahma year)  = 311,040,000,000,000 (311 trillion) terestrial years

Wow! This is definitely mind boggling, when we begin to realize, the scale of the Brahman, and I am just reminded of these golden verses of பெரியாழ்வார் (periaazhvaar) in his திருப்பல்லாண்டு (thiruppallaaNdu), describing God.

பல்லாண்டு  பல்லாண்டு  பல்லாயிரத்தாண்டு 
பலகோடி  நூறாயிரம் 
மல்லாந்த  திண்தோள்  மணிவண்ணா   உன் 
சேவடி  செவ்வி  திருக்காப்பு 
pallaaNdu pallaaNdu pallAyirathAndu
palakOdi nURAyiram
mallANda thiNthOL maNivaNNa! un
sEvadi sevvi thirukkAppu
O Lord in the colour of blue emerald, who destroyed the evil wrestlers with thy strong shoulders, May the beauty of your divine red feet protect us for many many  countless  years, many hundred thousands countless years, many crores of thousands of years.
திருப்பல்லாண்டு (thiruppallaaNdu) 1

Well all this huge numbers may seem very fanciful, but as Madam H.P. Blavatsky explains in her epoch making book Isis Unveiled, “These ciphers are not fanciful, but founded upon actual astronomical calculations, as has been demonstrated by S. Davis. Many a scientist, Higgins among others, notwithstanding their researches, has been utterly perplexed as to which of these was the secret cycle”.
Honestly, looking at such massive time scales, humbles us - the ordinary mortals, the literally insignificant role we are supposed to be playing, in the entire scheme of things – The BIG picture.  Looking at the above time scales, we can very clearly understand that, the Brahman is definitely much beyond the human scope (range) of Time. Both from the temporal and spatial dimensions, we should in all honesty admit that we are less than a speck of dust in the ब्रह्माण्ड (brahmāṇḍa). We are almost NOWHERE!
Well yes, NOWHERE is definitely the right word to be used here as in the one sense it means our role in this whole system is almost no where even significant when talking about the bigger scheme of things, but looking at it the other way round, NOWHERE also means Now Here! Yes, it means every individual soul definitely has a very vital role and potential to play now, here in this world. After all, we are the Heroes of the divine drama. We can discuss more about this later and for now return back to our discussion.
From the युग (yuga - era)  & अवतार  (avatāra - incarnation) mapping table listed earlier, one can easily observe that the चतुर् युग (catur yuga  - four eras) are split in the ratio of 4:3:2:1 in the ascending order of evolution, starting with the सत्य युग (satya yuga) (comprising 1,728,000 human years) followed by the remaining three. Interestingly these yugās are also bound by the 3rd law of thermodynamics, the entropy (which measures the degree of disorder in the system) increases over time. For example there is a gradual fall in the quality of life index – politically, morally, spiritually in the process of evolution from सत्य युग (satya yuga) to कलि युग (kali yuga – dark era). In fact, the former is called as the Golden age, while the latter is ridiculed as the dark age. श्रीमद् भागवत पुराण (śrīmad bhāgavata purāṇa), one of the most popular mahā purānās,  very categorically endorses this fact, in Canto 12, chapter 2 beginning with the following verses

स्रि-सुक उवाच
ततस् चनु-दिनम् धर्मः
सत्यम् सौचम् क्सम दय
कलेन बलिन रजन्
नन्क्स्यत्य् अयुर् बलम् स्म्र्तिः
sri-suka uvāca
tatas canu-dinam dharmaḥ
satyam saucam ksama daya
kalena balina rajan
nanksyaty ayur balam smrtiḥ

Sukadeva Gosvami said: Then, O King, religion, truthfulness, cleanliness, tolerance, mercy, duration of life, physical strength and memory will all diminish day by day because of the powerful influence of the age of Kali.

श्रीमद् भागवत पुराण (śrīmad bhāgavata purāṇa) (12.2.1)

 Moreover, in the same scripture, the four fold ratio mentioned earlier is exoterically expressed as the number of legs of the cow representing धर्म (dharma) which is originally four during the सत्य युग (satya yuga), is broken to 3, 2 and 1 in the त्रेता युग (tretā yuga), while द्वापर युग (dvāpara yuga) and the कलि युग (kali yuga – dark era) respectively.    
Please remember that once in every 4,32,000 years there is a विभव अवतार (vibhava avatāra  - Divine Incarnation) descending from above, to set right anomaly and restore back the धर्म (dharma – order/cosmos). In the सत्य युग (satya yuga) for example, there are four incarnations (as listed in the above table), while it is 3, 2 and 1 (yet to happen) in the respective eras.
            By the way, please remember that युग प्रलय (yuga pralaya – epoch dissolution)  is only special kind of temporal recycling, Hindu wisdom has recognized various frequencies of temporal recycling as listed below

·         नित्य प्रलय (nitya pralaya - continual dissolution): This is the kind of dissolution continuously occurring in the microcosmic-world as endorsed even by modern quantum physics of the nuclear and the sub atomic worlds, where there is continuous emission and absorption of particles in what is generally referred to as particle time (measured in very tiny units of time e.g. picoseconds etc.). Please remember that these पञ्च महा कृत्य (pañca mahā kṛtyafivefold cosmic acts) are not once in aa while activity but eternally recurring series of continuous acts making up the phenomenal universe. Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi very clearly explains this as captured in the following verses by close disciple Sri Muruganar,  “Know that according to His will, law and plan, every moment of everyday the five functions of God (creation, sustenance, destruction, veiling and Grace) will be going on perfectly and unceasingly in the universe, which is full of moving and unmoving objects. Every moment (i.e., many millions of times in a second) each atom (in the universe) is destroyed and newly created. Since this is going on unceasingly, it appears as if they (the objects of the universe) are the same (objects) existing continuously.”.
  • ·         दिन प्रलय (dina pralaya – Daily dissolution)This is kind of dissolution is also called as दिनादिन मरनम  (dinādina maranam - daily death) when the human soul temporarily dissolves its waking consciousness and goes to sleep.  
  • पौरुश प्रलय (pauruśa pralaya- Personal Dissolution): This is the kind of dissolution for the individual soul (jeevathma). This kind of dissolution is commonly known as Death
  • · नैमित्तिक/ भौमिक/ अवान्तर प्रलय  (naimittika / bhaumika/ avāntara pralaya- Occasional/ Terrestrial/ Minor Dissolution): This is supposed to occur at the end of every कल्प (kalpa) the first half of a ब्रह्मदिन (brahmadina – divine day) which is approximately equivalent to 1000 महायुग (mahā yuga) i.e 4.32 billion human Years; when all the manifested forms in the ब्रह्माण्ड (brahmāṇḍa – cosmic egg - terrestrial Universe) will be dissolved by fire back to the original state of  स्थूल तत्त्व  (sthūla tattvagross elements). Thus, this is not a complete dissolution, as the world is only reduced to the subtler residual state of elements hence considered to be नैमितिक (naimittika - occasional). Correspondingly, during the following 4.32 billion years 2nd कल्प  (kalpa)ब्रह्मरात्रि (brahmarātri -   divine night)  the  ब्रह्माण्ड (brahmāṇḍa – cosmic egg is considered to be in a state of hibernation. Each कल्प (kalpa) is governed by a team of 14 मनु (manuprogenitors) and the मन्वन्तर   (manvantara - patriarchate) is considered to be around 71 महा युग (mahā yuga). Etymologically, the term मन्वन्तर (manvantara - patriarchate) is derived from the  words मनु (manu - progintors)  & अन्तर (antara duration). Thus, मन्वन्तर (manvantara - patriarchate) means “the duration between two manus. The following words from the सूर्य सिद्धान्त (sūrya siddhānta) describes a मन्वन्तर (manvantara - patriarchate)  thus,

योगानां सप्ततिः सैका मन्वन्तरमिहोच्यते।

कृताब्दसंख्या तस्यान्ते सन्धिः प्रोक्तो जलपलवः॥


yogānāṁ saptatiḥ saikā manvantaramihocyate|
kṛtābdasaṁkhyā tasyānte sandhiḥ prokto jalapalavaḥ||

One and seventy Ages are signed here as Patriachate (manvantara); at its end is said to be a twilight which has the number of years of a Golden Age, and which is a deluge.
Translation by E. Burgese

सूर्य सिद्धान्त (sūrya siddhānta).(1.18)
  • ·         सौर्य प्रलय (saurya pralaya - Solar Dissolution): This is supposed to occur at the end of every सूर्य कल्प (sūrya kalpa -   solar aeon), which is around 30.24 billion years.
  • ·       प्राक्र्त प्रलय / महा प्रलय  (prākrta pralaya/ mahā pralaya - Total Dissolution): The total dissolution is supposed to be occurring at the end of every ब्रह्म (brahma) life which is calculated to be around 311.04 trillion human years
·         आत्यन्तिक प्रलय (ātyantika pralaya - Absolute Dissolution): While all the above kinds are predominantly at the collective level, this happens when the individual self, on attaining release from bondage attains मोक्श (mokśa - liberation). Etymologically, आत्यन्तिक (ātyantika) is derived as अति (ati - beyond) + अन्त (anta  - end), meaning ‘Beyond End’. This is the state of absolute Immortality attained by rare जीवन् मुक्थ (jīvan muktha) who by their spiritual progress have attained this state of மரணமில்லா  பெரு  வாழ்வு (maranamillaa peru vaazhvu - Immortal Life of Bliss), and becomes a चिरन्जीवि  (ciranjīvi – immortal being)

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