
Friday, April 26, 2019

Esoteric significance of Dividing by zero

This guys maths teaching is awesome !!


This is a very beautifully explaining video on the concept of dividing by zero. Philosophically it echoes the philosophical doctrine of अनिर्वचनीय माया खयाति (anirvacanīya māyā khyāti - undefinability measurement constraint) as to how the original no शून्य अव्यकत (śūnya avyakta - unmanifest / noumenal vacuum) divides itself to the अनेकता अशानि (aneka aśāni - phenomenal many).
Mathematically putting it....

शकल ÷ निष्कल = अनिर्वचनीय अनन्त
Finity ÷ void (zero)= undefineable infinity.

In other words, the mystery of how something came out of nothing , is an indeterminable paradox.
The is the essence of Shankaras Kevaladvaita mimamsa

Infact there is a subtle metaphysical link between this video and the other video on cosmic timelapse....

Time elapse into Cosmic collapse


This fantastically simulated video provides a very very trancefully blissfull immersive experience, of voyaging through several trillions of trillions of years of (space-)time travel, as a पक्वमुक्तक साक्षिन् (pakvamuktaka Sākśin - perfectly detached observer/witness) of the संहार /पर्लय (saṁhāra/pralaya - annihilation /involution) of the "phenomenal becoming" aka प्रकृति/शक्ति/शकल(Prakṛti/śakti/śakala) to the
ultimate state of "noumenal being" aka पुरुष/शिव/निषकल(Puruṣa/śiva/niśkala). The philosophic beauty here is that, I, as the passive observer, watching this fabulous drama of the cosmic death, remain the
आदि शेष (ādiśeṣa - primordial residue) experiencing the आनन्द निर्वान शून्य । चिदंबरम (ānanda nirvāna śūnya / cidaṁbaram - bliss of naked vacuum consciousness) in the lines of...
இன்று வருமோ நாளைக்கே வருமோ 
மற்று என்று வருமோ அறியேனே என் கோவே 
துன்று மல வெம்மாயை யற்று 
வெளிக்குள் வெளி கடந்து சும்மா இருக்கும் சுகம்.
In other words of anthropic perspective, each viewer as the spectator/observer of the final involution into the महा विष्णु (Mahā Viṣṇu - cosmic expanse) is the आदि शेष (ādiśeṣa - primordial residue) holding the locus of the Lord श्रीमन् नारायण​ (śrīman nārāyaṇa) in अनन्त शयन(ananta śayana- eternal rest) as the अन्तर्यामि ब्रहमन (antaryāmi brahman - indwelling divinity).