
Friday, April 26, 2019

Esoteric significance of Dividing by zero

This guys maths teaching is awesome !!


This is a very beautifully explaining video on the concept of dividing by zero. Philosophically it echoes the philosophical doctrine of अनिर्वचनीय माया खयाति (anirvacanīya māyā khyāti - undefinability measurement constraint) as to how the original no शून्य अव्यकत (śūnya avyakta - unmanifest / noumenal vacuum) divides itself to the अनेकता अशानि (aneka aśāni - phenomenal many).
Mathematically putting it....

शकल ÷ निष्कल = अनिर्वचनीय अनन्त
Finity ÷ void (zero)= undefineable infinity.

In other words, the mystery of how something came out of nothing , is an indeterminable paradox.
The is the essence of Shankaras Kevaladvaita mimamsa

Infact there is a subtle metaphysical link between this video and the other video on cosmic timelapse....

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