
Friday, August 16, 2019

Spiritual significance of वेदाध्ययन उपाकर्मा(vedādhyayana upākarmā - vedic learning commencement) & गायत्री जप (gāyatrī japa)

वेदाध्ययन उपाकर्मा( vedādhyayana upākarmā - vedic learning commencement) 

वेदाध्ययन उपाकर्मा( vedādhyayana upākarmā - vedic learning (re)commencement) popularly known in Tamil Nadu as ஆவணி அவிட்டம் (aavaNi aviTTam) is celebrated predominantly by the द्वज (dvaja – twice born) Hindus who have had been formally initiated into the उपनयन संस्कार (upanayana saṁskāra – initiation sacrament) including ब्राह्मन (brāhmana - brahmin) and few other specific communities. This is performed for renewal, remembrance and stock taking of the the பூணூல் (pooNool - sacred thread). The following verses from the याज्ञवल्क्य स्मृति (yājñavalkya smṛti)for example, advises thus.

अध्यायानामुपाकर्म क्ष्रवण्यां क्ष्रवणेनवा।
हस्तेनौषधिभावे वा पञ्चम्यां क्ष्रावणस्य तु॥
adhyāyānāmupākarma kṣravaṇyāṁ kṣravaṇenavā|
hastenauṣadhibhāve vā pañcamyāṁ kṣrāvaṇasya tu||

The Upakarman (commencement) of studies
(should take place) in kṣravanya, or by & kṣravana, or Hasta or when herbs have grown, or on the fifth of
याज्ञवल्क्य स्मृति (yājñavalkya smṛti) (1,142)

Annually, this day is considered auspicious to perform the sacred वेदाध्ययन उपाकर्मा(vedādhyayana upākarmā - vedic learning (re)commencement)Falls on the பௌர்ணமி / पूर्णिमा (pourNami / pūrimā - full moon day) and is associated with the அவிட்ட நத்சத்திரம் / धनिष्ठा नक्षत्र (avittam natchaththiram / dhaniṣṭhā nakṣatra Delphinus asterism). Please keep in mind that depending on the specific वेदसंहिता  (veda saṁhitā – vediccorpus) one belongs to viz. ऋग् (ṛg),  यजुर् (yajur) साम (sāma) or अथर्व (atharva), there are some variations in the date, timing and protocols to be followed during the वेदाध्ययन उपाकर्म (vedādhyayana upākarma - wisdom learning (re)commencement).  For example,
·   For यजुर् वेद उपासक (yajur veda upāsaka – Yajur Veda practitioner), the उपाकर्म (upākarmā - commencement) has to be performed during அவிட்ட நத்சத்திரம் / धनिष्ठा नक्षत्र (avittam natchaththiram / dhaniṣṭhā nakṣatra Delphinus asterism) falling on பௌர்ணமி / पूर्णिमा (pourNami / pūrimā - full moon day) in the month of ஆவணி மாதம் /  श्रावण मास (aavaNi maadham / śrāvaṇa māsa -  mid Aug- mid Sept month).  
·        For सामवेद उपासक (sāma veda upāsaka – Sama Veda practitioner) it is during ஹஸ்த நட்சத்திரம்/ (hasta nakṣatra/ hastham natchaththiram).occurring during in शुक्ल पक्ष (śukla pakṣa)  in the month of புரட்டாசி¢ / भाद्रपद (purattaasi / bhādrapada – mid Sep to mid Oct),
·        For ऋग् वेद उपासक (ṛg veda upāsaka – Rig Veda practitioner) it is श्रवन नक्षत्र / ¾¢Õ§Å¡½õ ¿ðºò¾¢Ãõ (śravana nakṣatra / thirvONam natchaththiram) in the ஆவணி மாதம் /  श्रावण मास (aavaNi maadham / śrāvaṇa māsa -  mid Aug- mid Sept month)
·        For अथर्ववेद उपासक (atharvaveda upāsaka – Atharva Veda practitioner),  it is during सुर्योद्य (suryodya - sunrise) falling on பௌர்ணமி / पूर्णिमा (pourNami / pūrimā - full moon day) in ஆவணி மாதம் /  श्रावण मास (aavaNi maadham / śrāvaṇa māsa -  mid Aug- mid Sept month)

Traditionally, according to Hindu principles of वर्णाश्रम धर्म (varṇāśrama dharma – class and stage laws), the principle duty of an individual belonging to the ब्रह्मन वर्ण (brahmana varṇa – brahmin class) right from his ब्रह्मचर्य आश्रम (brahmacarya āśrama – student stage) after his formal संस्कार (upanayana saṁskāra – initiation sacrament)  is वेदाध्ययन (vedādhyayana – vedic learning).
In fact, the orthodox मीमांस विधि (mīmāṁsa vidhi – Vedic injunction) very categorically prescribes that स्वाध्यायोऽध्येतव्यः (svādhyāyo'dhyetavyaḥ - one’s own branch of Vedas must be studied) 
Eventually after acquiring considerable mastery over the subject matter, the साधक (sādhaka - practisionor) must graduate into the next stage of sharing his knowledge and wisdom acquired by वेद अध्यापन (veda adhyāpana – wisdom learning) to the like-minded deserving learners.  Such proficiency is generally attained sometime during the subsequent stages typically गृहस्त आश्रम (gṛhasta āśrama – householder stage).
Of course, the वेदाध्ययन (vedādhyayana – vedic learning) is not confined to the ब्रह्मचर्य आश्रम (brahmacarya āśrama – student stage), as the विज्ञानप्राप्ति  (vijñānaprāpti – wisdom acquisition) is actually a सतत साधन (satata sādhana – continuous process) of  improving one’s ज्ञान (jñāna – wisdom) deeper and wider extending through the  गृहस्थ अश्रम (gṛhastha aśrama – householder stage) as well.  In fact, wearing the பூணூல்  यज्ञोपवीत (poonool / yajñopavīta – sacred thread) by every द्विजा (dvijā – twice born) only symbolizes the महा संकल्प (mahā saṁkalpa – supreme conviction/resolve) towards this end
And, every year, as part of his नित्य संस्कार (nitya saṁskāra – mandatory rite), the साधक (sādhaka - practitioner) commits उपाकर्म (upākarmā –revival / renewal) his महा स्वसंकल्प (mahā svasaṁkalpasupreme self-conviction/resolve) to continue his वेदाध्ययन (vedādhyayana - vedic learning). அவணி அவிட்டம் (aavaNi aviTTam) is typically one such annual stock taking and commitment ritual for उपाकर्म (upākarma –revival / renewal) of वेदाध्ययन (vedādhyayana – vedic learning) symbolically by renewing his பூணூல்  / यज्ञोपवित (poonool / yajñopavita – sacred thread) in the presence of his revered आचार्य (ācārya - preceptor).
According to Puranic legend, அவணி அவிட்டம் (aavaNi aviTTam)  is the महा अवतार दिन (mahā avatāra dina - grand incarnation day) of Lord श्री हयग्रीव देव (śrī hayagrīva deva- horse necked deity) an incarnation of महा विष्णु (mahā viṣṇu) to restore the lost Vedic wisdom from the clutches of legendary demons symbolizing अवुद्या (avidyā - nescience). Please remember that the term वेदाध्ययन (vedādhyayana - vedic learning) does not confine to the core वेद श्रुति (veda śruti) viz. मन्त्र (mantra) ब्रह्मन (brahmana), आरन्यक (āranyaka) & उपनिषद् (upaniṣad)  alone, but extends to other scriptures as well, वेदाङ्ग (vedāṅga), उपवेद (upaveda), इतिहास (itihāsa), पुराण (purāṇa), उपपुराण (upapurāṇa), आगम (āgama) & तन्त्र शास्त्र (tantra śāstra) etc., as  only then one can get a holistic wisdom. In fact, for example, one of the popular puranic text states thus,

यो विद्याचतुरो वेदान् साञ्गोपनिषदो द्विजः
न चेत् पुराणं संविद्यान् नैव स स्याद् विचषणः
इतिहास पुराणाभ्यां वेदम् समुपबृह्येत्
बिभेत्य् अल्पश्रुताद् वेदोमां अयं प्रहरिष्यति॥
yo vidyācaturo vedān sāñgopaniṣado dvijaḥ
na cet purāṇaṁ saṁvidyān naiva sa syād vicaṣaṇaḥ|
itihāsa purāṇābhyāṁ vedam samupabṛhyet
bibhety alpaśrutād vedomāṁ ayaṁ prahariṣyati||

The twice born who knows the four vedas with the angas (supplementary sciences) and the Upanishads should not be (regarded as proficient unless he thoroughly knows the Puranas. He should reinforce the Vedas with the Itihasas and the Puranas. The Veda is afraid of him who is deficient in traditional knowledge (thinking) ‘He will hurt me’.
Translation source Internet

However, as a best practice, the six months starting from ஆவணி மாதம் /  श्रावण मास (aavaNi maadham / śrāvaṇa māsa – mid Aug to mid Sep) and extending up to தை மாதம் पौश मास (thai maadham / pauśa māsa – mid jan to mid feb) is dedicated to प्रधान वेद श्रुति (pradhāna veda śruti – core vedic texts) and  while the remaining months are dedicated for other scriptures. In fact, a वेद उस्त्र्जन / समापन कर्म (veda ustrjana/ samāpana karma – suspension rite) must actually performed in தை மாதம் / पौश मास (thai maadham / pauśa māsa – mid Jan to mid Feb) before starting other studies.

गायत्री मन्त्र जप (gāyatrī mantra japa – chanting of gayatri mantra)

The day immediately following the day of वेदाध्ययन उपाकर्मा( vedādhyayana upākarmā - vedic learning (re)commencement)  also called as ஆவணி அவிட்டம் (aavaNi aviTTam) is a day dedicated to गायत्री मन्त्र जप (gāyatrī mantra japa – chanting of gayatri mantra).  
For easier convenience, I have tried to provide a deep dive esoteric analysis of the same and other closely related  philosophical topics as separate blogs. The following table contains the links for the same.  Please go through them and share your thoughts...

Spiritual significance of पुरुषार्थ (puruṣārtha – Soul’s purpose)

Spiritual significance of वर्ण (varṇa – class) model and its eventual corruption as जाति (jāti – caste)

Spiritual Significance of ब्रह्मचर्यं आश्रम (brahmacarya āśrama – studenthood stage)
Spiritual Significance of संद्या वन्दनम् (saṁdyā vandanam – conjunction prayer) & गायत्री जपम् (gāyatrī japam - gayatri chanting)

Glory of India's philosophic and scientific past and the need to revive it back

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